lord of the rings rivendell

Legal notice

How your data are used to make me rich (no)

Who's beyond Role Play Private Server ?

This website is developed by Victor Demilly.

It is propulsed by Laravel and use some VueJS components.

You can easily contact me by email at victordemilly@gmail.com. Hey btw I'm currently looking for a web developer job (Laravel / VueJS), do not hesitate if you wish more infos.

This website is developed in english to be used by everybody around the world. Yet, the developer is french. So contact me if you've seen some translating errors.

Cookie notice and personnal informations

Some functionnalities of the website shall require cookies. It'll also permits the website to target better ads for you.


Don't worry, you'll be informed when they'll arrive and you will be able to refuse them.

Anyway, even if you can't eat them, cookies are harmless. Learn more about them.

We don't ask you any personnal information, except your email address. Which is used to register / login.

It permits us to avoid bots and most spamming risks while publishing content.

Your email address may be used later for some notification system or newsletter. If it does, be assured you'll be able to enable and disable it easily.

Your data shall never be sold to anybody. BECAUSE THEY'RE MINE NOOOOOOW !!! Well I mean, be assured of the protection of your privacy.